No Connection Data

Hi - I’m currently doing an analysis where I want to know about percent of time in some area (such as an H3 grid) that a cell phone has no connection to a tower. Is there any way to use the OpenCellid data to get to this question? Almost like I want to look at error logs if they were collected.

OpenCelliD only has data on cell base station positions. We are not connected to individual cell phones and have no way to collect data from them.

This is quite confusing. OpenCellID has data on base stations, yes. But, isn’t that base station data collected by an app in handsets and with the location of the base station averaged from the tests? That was my interpretation of this in the documentation:

A measurement in the OpenCellID context is a GPS position where the radio signal of a GSM base station has been received. If measurements of the same base station have been received at different places, then the average of all GPS latitude values and the average of all GPS longitude values is calculated and this average GPS position is then stored in the OpenCellID cells database.

I’m exploring the edges of networks and understand that not having a connection might simply preclude having any information at all. But, now I think I might not understand where this data comes from at all. Not from an average of the GPS coordinates from the devices that connected to a tower? No information from individual cell phones?