Correction of data

Some sites have ranges that are clearly incorrect. For example there are some sites in Florida that have ranges of 328 km which is totally wrong. How is this corrected?

Yes, could you please share the example where you’re seeing this issue? I’ll have my team look into it.
That being said, the OpenCelliD database is community contributed and there can be issues. Would it be possible for you to contribute?

I will provide some data points. Just saw the response. I am contributing as much as possible. So far 2805 sites and 73K measurements and counting. Still it is not enough. Thanks very much David.

Thanks. Please share examples when you can and I’ll have my team look into this.

Sorry, should have got back to you sooner. When I look at Florida data, there are some sites that have a reported range that is unreasonable. There is one with a range of 373447 meters. 373 KM? Not possible. and another with 148336. Then there are quite a few in the 20 to 30 km range which seems very large as well. CID for the 373KM is 17155095 and the 148 is 53340121. MCC is 310 and MNC is 260 for both.

This is likely because some contributions are far away from the actual location. The range is computed as a bounding box across all valid measures today. Its on our roadmap to filter this better to show lower ranges. We recently began removing cells with a range greater than 100KM from data downloads, so you shouldn’t see as many cells.

Also, theoretically GSM has a range of over 100 KM, so we can’t dismiss these contributions outright.